We've spiced up Delikato
What we did:
You might think the title is a bit silly, but our team has done some serious work. Following an invitation from DTL PerSu, we embarked on a comprehensive redesign project for their Delikato deli meat range.
The idea was to maintain the recognizable breadth of our product line along with significant streamline, refresh, and standardization. Through graphic standardization and the implementation of a distinctive brand device in the form of colored hatched areas, we have been able to further build upon the brand extensions and new products in a simple yet consistent manner.
Redizajn je doživeo i logo brenda Delicato koji je od prethodno zadržao samo sličan kolorni ton, a dobio novi i jednostavniji oblik, savremeniju tipografiju. Njego položaj i interakcija sa drugim grafičkim elementima su jasno definisani na svakom pakovanju.
Agencija Experiment je osvežila ukupno 30 proizvoda ovog brenda koji su se na policama našli od aprila 2023. godine i narednih par meseci. Projekat redizajn brenda koji postoji već 16 godina na tržištu naišao je na prihvatanje od strane potrošača, ali i doprineo neočekivanom rastu prodaje ovog brenda od.
Get in touch! We're open to working together. Make this your experiment. Try something new for your brand. If you keep doing the same thing, you can't expect different results.